Benefits of Spinning Babies

June 29, 2024
Posted in Birth, Wellness
June 29, 2024 Samantha

Benefits of Spinning Babies

Why a doula who knows spinning babies is worth her weight in gold

Supporting Labor with Spinning Babies: A Doula’s Perspective

As a doula, I’ve had the honor of accompanying many women on their unique journeys through pregnancy and childbirth, and the approach that consistently stands out in supporting a smoother, more comfortable labor is Spinning Babies. While we might not always call it by it’s name – as it has roots in traditional practices that have been used throughout time, the methodology, which focuses on encouraging optimal fetal positioning through maternal movements and positions, can help to create an easier and more efficient labor or even reposition a baby’s position.

What is Spinning Babies?

Spinning Babies is a program developed by midwife Gail Tully, designed to facilitate a more straightforward labor by promoting optimal fetal positioning. The primary goal is to help the baby move into the most favorable position for birth, which can reduce complications and make labor more manageable. 

The key principles of Spinning Babies include balance, gravity, and movement – all of which are integral to supporting the natural process of childbirth.

The Role of Balance

Balance refers to the alignment and relaxation of the mother’s pelvis and surrounding muscles and ligaments (something we also LOVE to pair with hypnobirthing), as relaxation is at the core of balance.

Throughout pregnancy, maintaining balance is crucial as it allows the baby to move into an optimal position for birth. 

Techniques such as the Rebozo (or scarf) sifting, forward-leaning inversions, and sidelying releases can help achieve this balance. 

During labor, a doula or midwife may guide a mother through these exercises, ensuring they are done safely and effectively. When the pelvis is balanced, the baby has more room to maneuver into the correct position, which can significantly reduce the chances of prolonged or complicated labor.

Gravity and Movement

Gravity and movement are vital components of the Spinning Babies approach. Gravity helps to naturally guide the baby into the pelvis, and various movements can assist in aligning the baby in the best position for birth. 

Encouraging upright positions, such as walking, swaying, or using a birth ball, allows gravity to do its work – this is why lying on one’s back is not anatomically advantageous.

If you decide to receive an epidural as part of your birth plan, it may be helpful to receive the epidural later in labor so you have as much time with free movement as possible, and know that with support you can still move into an upright position, allowing gravity to work with you.

Movement is essential during labor. Not only for the baby’s positioning but also for the mother’s comfort and progression of labor. By staying active and changing positions as often as mothers are led, babies might navigate the birth canal more efficiently.

Benefits of Spinning Babies

The benefits of incorporating Spinning Babies into your labor preparation and process are numerous: Optimal fetal positioning can lead to a shorter and less painful labor, reducing the need for interventions. It can also decrease the likelihood of a cesarean section, promoting a safer and more natural birth experience. Furthermore, mothers who use Spinning Babies techniques often report feeling more in control and empowered during their labor, as they actively participate in creating a better birthing environment for their baby.

The times I’ve personally been most grateful for these techniques has been in the application of turning breach babies, or babies in odd positions – though a vaginal breach birth is a variation of normal and wonderful if a trained breach provider is available. Having these tools, I believe, has shortened my client’s labor by hours and hopefully, made many baby’s journey more enjoyable.

Do you need any Special Equipment?

Most Spinning Babies exercises can be done without any special equipment. However, some techniques may benefit from the use of items like a birth ball, a Rebozo scarf, or a firm cushion. These items can help you maintain balance and comfort while performing the exercises.

Can my partner help with Spinning Babies Techniques?

Absolutely! Partners can play a supportive role in performing Spinning Babies techniques. For example, they can help with Rebozo sifting or provide support during certain positions and movements. When I support a family, the partner and I generally take turns supporting mom with hip squeezes and all types of support techniques. Partners can also be a huge support at home if mom is using these techniques in pregnancy.

Integrating Spinning Babies into Your Birth Plan

It’s important for you to know that movement and calm are the primary focus for pregnancy. So unless you’re a home-stead mama, having a movement routine that allows you to feel empowered, nourished, and energized is the key. Activities such as a morning walk, swimming (in salt-water, ideally), or prenatal yoga are examples of stress-free activity that combines stress reduction with movement.

The application of spinning babies can be to start labor or move the baby into a better position during labor, but many women use body balancing during pregnancy. We will work together throughout your pregnancy to decide how to best apply spinning baby practices to your care.

To learn more about Spinning Babies, please feel free to check out their website.


Samantha lives in Austin, TX with her beautiful hapa son and forever-boyfriend, Mike Y. As a careered digital marketer and content designer, Sam found her passion for birth while working in l&d photography and having experienced her own holistic birth. Now, she's on a mission to empower women in their intuitive ability to birth babies and enter motherhood with positivity and educated confidence.

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