Why doulas love home birth

July 4, 2024 Samantha

Why doulas love home birth

The benefits for those desiring natural birth are incredible

Why doulas love home birth

As a seasoned doula, I’ve had the privilege of supporting many families through the incredible journey of childbirth. Choosing to give birth at home can offer numerous benefits, creating a deeply personal and empowering experience for both the mother, baby and family. Here, I’ll share the key benefits of home birth from my perspective as a doula.

I’d like to disclose that this perspective is my own; a birth doula and doula collective founder based out of Austin, TX who’s supported over 100+ families in birth over a 6 year career. About 40% of the births I’ve attended have been in birth centers and home birth, and about 60% of those births have been in hospital, with my colleagues and doula team attending a similar proportion.

I’ve supported mothers through beautiful inductions and family centered c-sections. I’ve witnessed both perfect and challenging home births. And sadly, I’ve seen the dark side of modern obstetrics and violence that “casually” occurs due to a failing system. I don’t blame doctors or nurses for being subject to the failing, though I feel obligated to speak to the reality of a broken system. Especially because so many new parents believe this is the safest place to birth. 

Second or third time parents often express they wish someone has told them.

All that said, this article is meant as a “share” and not a “scare.” Just based on my experience, I have a problem with the idea that home birth isn’t a safe option. Because based on both evidence of physiological birth and statistics of mortality in home vs hospital (spoiler: mortality is higher in US hospitals compared to home), I wanted to speak to why we, as HypnoDoulas at The Austin Doula, are big fans of home birth and midwifery care.

Comfort and Familiarity

One of the most significant advantages of a home birth is the comfort and familiarity of being in your own environment, which best support the elements of physiological birth. According to Dr. Bradley of The Bradley Method, the conditions of a laboring woman are darkness, solitude, quiet, physical comfort, physical relaxation, controlled breathing, and need for closed eyes/appearance of sleep. In the hospital, these elements are not impossible to support, but certainly more difficult to cultivate.

The main aspect being “solitude” is most challenging in a hospital setting while in contrast, giving birth at home allows you to be surrounded by the people you know and love, your own belongings, scents, and sounds, etc. which can contribute to a more relaxed and stress-free labor. The sense of security that comes with being in a familiar place can also help reduce anxiety and promote the natural progression of labor.

Personalized Care

Home births typically involve a smaller, more intimate birth team, including a midwife and, often, a doula. At the Austin Doula, we have a small group of vetted midwives aligned with the values of traditional midwifery whom we’ll connect you with for an interview. This means that the care you receive is highly personalized and tailored to your specific needs and preferences. The continuous support from a dedicated team who knows you and your birth plan can make a significant difference in your overall experience and satisfaction.

Control and Autonomy

When you choose a home birth, you have greater control over your birthing environment and the decisions that affect your labor and delivery. You can decide who will be present, what positions you want to labor in, and how you wish to manage pain. This level of autonomy can lead to a more empowering birth experience, as you are able to follow your body’s natural cues and instincts.

On this note, if you are a spiritual person, you might enjoy reading “Sacred Birthing” by Sunni Karl, as it touches on the power of autonomy – not only for mom and dad, but for the new life entering the world. The experience the baby is having is one we don’t often consider, but is worth connecting to if you find yourself realizing the spiritual transformation taking place. I found Sunni’s perspective to be non-religious, non-dogmatic, and a refreshing perspective on the spiritual aspect of birth that’s been overshadowed by the push for medicalized birthing (some pun intended).

Reduced Interventions

Home births are associated with lower rates of medical interventions, such as inductions, epidurals, and cesarean sections; which naturally equates to lower mortality (and trauma) for both mother and baby. While medical interventions can be necessary, they also carry risks and can disrupt the natural progression of labor. By avoiding unnecessary interventions, many women find that they have a smoother and more positive birth experience.

If you’d like to learn more about the evidence to support the safety of home birth and the cost of medical interventions, I’d recommend “Birth Control” by Ali Yarrow and the movie “The Business of Being Born” produced by Abby Epstein; Paulo Netto; Amy Slotnick; Ricki Lake


Bonding & Immediate Postpartum Support

This is probably the most stark contrast from home to hospital: the first 48 hours of postpartum for mom and baby; especially if you prefer to opt out of medicalizing your newborn.

After a home birth, you can immediately bond with your baby in the comfort of your own home. There is no need to navigate hospital protocols or move to a different room. The immediate skin-to-skin contact and the ability to breastfeed right away can enhance bonding and promote a healthy start for both mother and baby. Additionally, the postpartum support provided by your midwife and doula in the familiar home environment can help with recovery and adjustment to new parenthood.

Holistic Approach to Birth

Midwives are trained in a holistic approach to birth, emphasizing the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of childbirth. This approach aligns with the belief that birth is a natural and normal process rather than a medical event. By embracing the holistic nature of childbirth, home births can create a harmonious and fulfilling experience. 

It’s important to note that Obstetricians specialize in surgery and the pathologies of pregnancy (which is great if you’re planning a monitored birth), but this professional is less equipped to support natural labor and birth because it’s not what they’re trained in. I’ve met OBs who’ve never seen an unmedicated birth (after years of practice).

All to say, the hospital is the best option if you desire an epidural or are truly high-risk, but for an unmedicated birth, a midwife will provide the most holistic approach to care.

Positive Birth Experience

Many women who choose home birth report a high level of satisfaction with their birth experience. The ability to birth in a familiar, comfortable environment with personalized care and support can lead to a sense of accomplishment and empowerment. This positive birth experience has lasting effects on a woman’s mental and emotional well-being, as well as her confidence as a mother. The ability to make sovereign choices over your body and baby are most probable in a home birth setting, and this is one of the main reasons we encourage this option.


While home birth is not the right choice for everyone, it offers numerous benefits for those who are low-risk and seek a more personal and autonomous birthing experience. As a doula, I have seen firsthand the power and beauty of home birth. The comfort, control, reduced interventions, and immediate bonding opportunities can contribute to a deeply satisfying and empowering experience.

If you are considering home birth, I encourage you to research and connect with experienced midwives and doulas to ensure it is a safe and positive option for you and your family.

If you’d like to learn more about the benefits of home birth, I’ve included a link to my amazon library for books mentioned and a link to my couple’s centered hypnobirthing course to support you in feeling confident about your safety, support, and sovereign rights as you plan out your birth.

*Disclosure: if you make a purchase on my amazon store, I recieve a small commission at no extra cost to you.


Samantha lives between Austin, TX and Albuquerque, NM with her 6 yo son and husband. As a marketer & photographer, Sam found her passion for birth while working in l&d photography and having experienced her own magical, hypno birth. Now, she's on a mission to empower women in their intuitive ability to birth babies and enter motherhood with educated confidence.

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